A tree perc all-in-one 18mm nectar collector is a specialized smoking device designed for consuming concentrates like wax or oil. It typically consists of the following components:
Nectar Collector: This is the main body of the device, which is usually made of glass or another heat-resistant material. It resembles a slender tube with one end acting as a mouthpiece and the other end designed for dabbing into your concentrate.
Tree Perc: The “tree perc” is a type of percolator designed to filter and cool the vapor as it travels through the water inside the device. It is called a “tree” perc because it often features multiple arms or “branches” that resemble a tree’s structure. These arms are equipped with slits or small holes to diffuse the smoke and create bubbles for enhanced filtration.
18mm Joint: The 18mm joint refers to the size of the connector that allows you to attach various accessories or additional components like a nail or a vapor dome, depending on your preference and the type of concentrate you are using.
All-in-One: This term suggests that the nectar collector is a complete and self-contained unit, meaning it doesn’t require separate attachments or accessories to function. You can use it as is for dabbing your concentrates.
In summary, a tree perc all-in-one 18mm nectar collector is a specialized smoking device that incorporates a tree perc for enhanced filtration and cooling of vapor, an 18mm joint for compatibility with various accessories, and it’s designed as a standalone tool for consuming concentrates like wax or oil. It provides a smoother and more enjoyable dabbing experience compared to basic nectar collectors.
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